2023 House League Clinics

2023 Skills and Drills Clinic

April 12, 2023 - REGISTRATION is now CLOSED

30 Park Avenue
Acton, ON


Halton Hills Minor Baseball is pleased to announce that our house league skills and drills clinic is back for this year.

  • HHMBA will be conducting two (2) sessions, 6:00pm and 7:30 pm.
  • Participants will be split into two groups with exact timing TBD once final numbers are known.
  • Equipment needed for each participant: running shoes, baseball glove and baseball cap.

*** All participants in this clinic must already have a valid house league registration completed.

3-18-2018 Update - This clinic is now SOLD OUT - When you go to register below you will be able to add your child to the waitlist. We are going to evaluate if we should add a 2nd clinic due to demand so for now please complete the registration process for the waitlist. 

3-28-2023 Update - We have added a 2nd date. All waitlisted participants have been moved to this date. There will be 5 open waitlist spots for this clinic for anyone wishing to stay on this date.



April 15, 2023 REGISTRATION is now CLOSED

30 Park Avenue
Acton, ON


Halton Hills Minor Baseball is pleased to announce that our house league skills and drills clinic is back for this year.

  • HHMBA will be conducting two (2) sessions, 12:30pm and 2:00 pm.
  • Participants will be split into two groups with exact timing TBD once final numbers are known.
  • Equipment needed for each participant: running shoes, baseball glove and baseball cap.

*** All participants in this clinic must already have a valid house league registration completed.

When this clinic fills up there will be 5 open waitlist spots for this clinic.

To register for this clinic please go here:


4-9-2023 Update - These clinics are now closed for registration


Detailed instructions on how to register can be found here:

Clinic Registration Instructions 

If you have any questions about this clinic please contact Rich Kuypers at rich.kuypers@hhmba.ca.



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